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Ancient Temple Lost and Found: Exciting Discovery!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Once upon a time, there was a magnificent temple called Kutumbari Temple. It was nestled amidst the lush green hills of Dwarahat in Almora district, Uttarakhand.

However, over the years, this temple became lost and forgotten! It disappeared from the records of the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI).

According to reports, the ASI discovered the temple’s ruins back in 2000. But soon after, the ruins vanished, and the ASI labeled the temple as “lost.” However, recent findings have shed new light on the temple’s fate.

While the temple structure itself no longer exists, its remains have been discovered scattered throughout the village. It seems that the villagers have repurposed the ancient ruins to build their houses. Thereby making the temple a part of their everyday lives.

Lost Temple Resurrected

  • The ASI conducted a survey in 2000, documenting the existence of the temple’s ruins. However, in the following 20 years, even those remnants disappeared. This year, in January, the ASI made an official declaration, classifying the temple as lost and adding it to a list of 50 lost monuments throughout India.
  • Intriguingly, the villagers have used the temple’s architectural components to construct their homes. ASI officials have found evidence of the temple’s materials in at least six houses in Dwarahat, but they suspect that there may be even more homes incorporating the ancient structure.
  • From the information gathered, it is clear that the Kutumbari Temple, once a magnificent structure, had been repurposed and integrated into the daily lives of the local villagers. The temple, which came under the protection of the ASI in 1915, gradually faded from records and physical existence. However, its remnants, now part of the villagers’ homes, stand as a testament to the temple’s past glory.
  • In conclusion, the story of the Kutumbari Temple reminds us of the importance of preserving our cultural heritage. While the physical temple may have vanished, its spirit lives on through the memories and daily lives of the villagers. It serves as a valuable lesson for us all to appreciate and protect our ancient treasures, ensuring that they are not lost to future generations.

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