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Astronaut brains show distinct changes after space travel


Recommended for Middle Grades


In a recent study, the astronauts who are back on Earth, their brains show distinct changes. In a recent study, researchers from across the US compared a series of MRI scans of 15 astronaut brains. The MRI scans are taken prior to their visit to the ISS and six months after their return from the space.

Research study

Scientists used algorithms to assess the sizes of perivascular spaces.

What are perivascular spaces?

Perivascular spaces are the gaps in brian tissues that are known to facilitate the balance of fluids.

Researchers have found that the time spent in space has an effect on the brains of the astronauts. Amongst the veteran astronauts, the researchers have noticed differences in the sizes of their perivascular spaces in the scans taken before and after the missions.


The expanded perivascular spaces act as a neurological drainage system when we sleep. Past research has shown that the fluids around the grey matter play an important role in removing waste products that are produced during the active hours. If it doesn’t work properly, it can cause diseases like Alzheimer’s.

Though the researchers have stated that more research in this field could help to understand the impact of repeated space missions.

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