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Astronomers observe distant galaxy dying out


Recommended for Middle Grades

How does a galaxy? When the stars that live in them stop forming.

Astronomers were recently able to witness this rare event for the first time ever, using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) of telescopes in Chile.

They observed the images of the galaxy known as ID2299. The ID2299 galaxy is losing 10,000 suns-worth of gas per year. This means it is losing the fuel it needs to form stars.

However, it still continues to form stars at a rate much faster than our own Milky Way. This means its remaining gas will get used very quickly, making it shut down in just a few tens of million years.

Scientists say that it’s possible that this galaxy’s death was caused by a crash with another galaxy, which eventually merged to create ID2299.

ID2299 is so far away from us that its light takes some 9 billion years to reach us; we see it when the universe was just 4.5 billion years old.


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There are many more interesting news articles and information on space for all you kids. We have news and stories on stars, telescopes, galaxies, planets, exoplanets, black holes and much more. Or how about learning more about NASA, CNSA, ISS, ALMA, Hubble, ISRO? Well, keep reading our space news for children on Curious Times. And of course, keep your curiosity sky high!

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