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Image depicting Ayurveda's Glory: Cookbook Wins Award!

Ayurveda’s Glory: Cookbook Wins Award!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, knowledge seekers! Let me tell you an exciting story about an amazing cookbook! So, there’s this book called “The Ayurvedic Wellness Cookbook,” and guess what? It won a big award called the “Gourmand World Cookbook Award 2023.” How cool is that?

The author, Gita Ramesh, is a super talented person. She knows all about Ayurveda, which is an ancient way of staying healthy and eating yummy food. In her book, she shares all the secrets of Ayurvedic ingredients and recipes that make you feel super good.

Ayurvedic Delights: A Culinary Adventure

  • Now, here’s the amazing part! When you cook with spices like mustard, cumin, and turmeric, they release magical healing powers! Imagine your food having secret superhero abilities! Ayurveda says we should eat mindfully, which means taking time to enjoy every bite like a meditation. No rushing, just happy eating!
  • Gita’s book has recipes for everyone. It doesn’t matter if you’re tall or short, big or small, there’s something yummy for you. And guess what? The book even tells you when and how much to eat! How cool is that? You’ll be an Ayurvedic expert in no time!
  • Oh, and did you know Gita’s book is all about plant-based food? That means it’s super healthy and helps your body stay clean and fresh like a rainbow after rain. 
  • Gita started writing books a long time ago when not many people knew about Ayurveda. She wanted to share its magic with the whole world! She wrote about massages, treatments, and then, finally, about super tasty Ayurvedic food!
  • One of Gita’s special recipes is called “Oushadha Kanji,” which is a magical porridge with lots of spices. You can make it spicy or not-so-spicy, depending on how brave you are! And don’t worry if you can’t find all the ingredients. Gita says you can swap some for others, like a fun cooking adventure!
  • Even if you live in a faraway land, you can find the ingredients in Indian stores. And Gita’s book has lots of tricks to make cooking easy-peasy, lemon squeezy!
  • Remember, Gita’s book is not just for people in India; it’s for everyone around the world! Even if you don’t live in a tropical place, you can still cook all these amazing dishes.
  • And you know what else? Gita’s family started making Ayurvedic medicines a looong time ago. They’re like real-life wizards making magical potions to keep people healthy and happy!
  • So, my little friends, if you want to learn the secrets of Ayurvedic cooking and feel like a superhero, get your hands on “The Ayurvedic Wellness Cookbook.” It’s a ticket to a world of delicious and healthy adventures!
  • But remember, the best stories are the ones we live and taste ourselves. So, go on and explore the world of Ayurvedic cooking! Happy eating!

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