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Image depicting Beijing closes public spaces amid COVID-19 cases!

Beijing closes public spaces amid COVID-19 cases!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Beijing is closing up a number of parks and museums as the number of COVID-19 cases increases.

As per news reports, in China’s capital, the number of cases has reached an all-time high. This puts the government’s recent promise to relax its “zero-Covid” policy to the test. China is fighting a new rise in cases across the country. 

China recorded more than twenty-five thousand COVID-19 cases.  This brings the total number of cases closer to when the pandemic was at its peak in China.

Nearly fifty per cent of the total number of reported cases are from the south and southwest.

In addition, cases have reached an all-time high in Beijing, the nation’s capital. This has prompted government authorities to request more people to remain in their homes.

Key facts!

  • The most recent wave is putting the most recent adjustments that China has made to its zero-Covid policy to the test.
  • The zero-Covid policy asks the authorities to be more targeted in their clampdown measures.
  • And to steer away from the widespread lockdowns and testing.
  • Beijing issued a warning that the city was about to experience its most severe test of the pandemic to date and thus tightened rules for entering the city.
  • Arrivals from other parts of China are now required to undergo three days of Covid testing before they are allowed to leave their accommodations.
  • Due to the outbreak, many museums have been closed.
  • Tourists and local attractions including the Happy Valley amusement park and the city’s large Chaoyang Park announced that they would also close.
  • As per expert analysts, the reopening could be a back-and-forth process.
  • Due to the fact that policymakers may back down after noticing rapid rises in cases and societal disruptions.
  • Even after adjustments in targeted COVID techniques, China still has some of the tightest COVID limitations in the world.

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