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Image depicting Bella Jay, 5, is the youngest author!

Bella Jay, 5, is the youngest author!


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Bella Jay Dark who is 5 years old is the youngest published author according to Guinness World Records. Bella Jay Dark’s book ‘The Lost Cat’ inspires all teenagers in the world to believe in their dreams.

Publishing house  ‘Ginger Fyre Press’ is responsible for presenting her work to the world. As per the publication, more than a thousand copies have been sold since its release.

When is a book considered for a Guiness World Records title?

For any book to be considered for a Guinness World Records title it must have sold at least one thousand copies. Additionally, the book must have been published by a commercial publishing firm.

Fun facts about ‘The Lost Cat’ journey!

  • One of Bella Jay Dark’s drawings served as an inspiration for her story of ‘The Lost Cat’.
  • The idea first appeared in the form of a picture that Bella-Jay Dark drew as she likes to paint. 
  • Her grandfather encouraged her to write a book, and the idea for the plot came to Bella as she was colouring the picture.
  • Her mother claims ever since the age of three Bella’s showed a keen interest in writing short stories.
  • In addition, Bella has always drawn strength from the encouragement of others.
  • Bella Jay Dark’s two greatest passions are reading and sketching.

Bella’s parents and friends are really proud of her achievements. They wish her nothing but the best in the times to come.

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