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Bhutan’s confers highest civilian award to PM Modi


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, little adventurers! Let us take you on a magical journey to the land of Bhutan, where something super exciting and special happened! Imagine, Bhutan has this amazing day called “National Day” on 17th December. It’s like their own special holiday, filled with joy and celebrations.

And guess what? On one of these National Days, something even more incredible occurred! The King of Bhutan, who is like a wise and kind ruler, decided to do something really big to show his appreciation and friendship.

So, listen up, my curious explorers! The King of Bhutan wanted to say a big “Thank You!” to someone who has been a great friend to Bhutan. And do you know who this special friend is? It’s none other than India’s very own Prime Minister, Narendra Modi!

You see, Bhutan and India are like buddies – they’re close neighbors who look out for each other and share good times.

Friendship’s Crown: Bhutan’s Gratitude

  • One day, the Prime Minister of Bhutan, whose name is Lotay Tshering, hopped onto his Twitter wagon and wrote a sweet message. He said, “Hey, Narendra Modi, you’re an amazing friend! Thanks for always being there for us, no matter what. You’re like a shining star in our lives!” He also thanked Narendra Modi for being super helpful during a tricky time called the “pandemic.” You know, when things got a little tough for everyone around the world.
  • Guess what else India did? Back in 2018, India gave Bhutan a bunch of money – Rs 5000 crore – to help Bhutan with a plan to become even better over five years. It’s like giving your buddy a hand when they need it the most. And here’s a secret – Bhutan had some not-so-nice neighbors who wanted to take up more space. But India was like a superhero, helping Bhutan stand strong and safe.
  • Oh, and let’s not forget about the pandemic! When the world was going through a really tough time, India sent over some special medicine called COVID-19 vaccines, along with cool medical stuff, to help Bhutan fight those bad germs. And guess what again? Bhutan’s Prime Minister told Narendra Modi, “You’re the best! Thanks for helping us stay strong and healthy!”
  • Now, let’s put on our thinking hats! What can we learn from all of this? Well, it’s like having a best friend who’s always there to help you when you need it. Bhutan and India are like a team, working together to make each other’s lives better. It’s all about being kind, caring, and lending a hand to friends in need.
  • And there you have it, my magical pals! The story of how Bhutan’s highest civilian award, the super fancy “Ngadag Pel gi Khorlo,” was given to India’s cool Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. It’s like a crown made of friendship and gratitude!
  • So, remember, even when things seem tough, there are friends out there who care and want to make the world a better place, just like Bhutan and India. Until next time, keep smiling and spreading joy, you little champions of kindness!

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