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Image depicting Big Words: Sustainability!

Big Words: Sustainability!


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Sustainability is a way of making sure that we use natural resources of the world wisely so that the world does not run out of food to eat, water to drink or fuel to burn.

Fun facts about Sustainability!

  • Imagine the world like a candy box which never runs out of candies.
  • While this can happen in cartoons and books, the earth’s supply of food, water and other resources has a limit.
  • If we use up all its resources today, there won’t be enough left for people who will come after us.
  • So, we should not over-use resources today that people of tomorrow will also need.
  • Here are some simple measures which make all the difference:
    • Try not to leave the water running
    • Only use as much electricity as you need
    • Plant more trees
    • Tell more people about the importance of sustainability!


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