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Brain consumes energy even at rest


Recommended for Secondary Grades

The brain consumes energy even at rest You must have heard that the brain consumes a large amount of energy. Ever wondered how and why does this happen?

What are synaptic vesicles?

Synaptic vesicles are small-sized vesicles which store neurotransmitters. They help the neurons to communicate.

Key facts!

  • Scientists say that the brain consumes 10 times more energy than the rest of the body.
  • Even when the person is at rest, the brain continues to consume energy.
  • It happens because the neurons are constantly communicating with each other.
  • Neurons are information messengers between the brain are different parts of the nervous system.
  • The brain consumes 4.7 billion ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) per second while resting.
  • Adenosine Triphosphate is an energy-carrying molecule.
  • New research indicates that two-thirds of the brain’s energy is used to help neurons in sending signals.
  • Researchers conducted an MRI(Magnetic Resonance Imaging) of the brain to measure the energy used by it while it is active.
  • In the MRI imaging, the researchers found tiny synaptic vesicles that consume energy constantly.
  • The synaptic vesicles release energy to the neurons, with which the neurons communicate with one another.
  • The brain uses 20% of the total energy of the body.
  • It is provided by the food that we consume daily.
  • Moreover, when at rest, the brain is the highest energy-consuming organ.

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