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BRO to use plastic to build roads along Sino-India border


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, little eco-warriors! Today, We have an exciting story to share with you about a cool project happening along the Sino-India border. Are you ready? Great, let’s dive in!

Important Details

  • So, there’s this amazing organization called the Border Roads Organisation, or BRO for short. They’re like the superheroes of road construction, but with an eco-friendly twist. Recently, they started a pilot project, which is a small-scale experiment, to build roads using something very special: plastic waste!
  • Yes, you heard it right! Instead of letting all that plastic pile up and harm our beautiful planet, BRO came up with a brilliant idea to use it for good. They’re going to mix plastic waste with environment-friendly technology and create roads out of it. Isn’t that fantastic?
  • Now, you might be wondering where exactly these roads will be built. Well, the BRO has chosen six locations for this project. They are in Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, and Tripura. Oh, and did you know that Tripura shares a border with Bangladesh, while the other five states share a border with China? It’s like a super cool road-building adventure!
  • The genius behind this project is Lt. Gen. Harpal Singh, the Director General of BRO. He’s a real hero when it comes to protecting our environment. He believes that this project will not only help dispose of plastic waste but also protect our nature in a friendly way. Isn’t that amazing?
  • You see, the BRO often builds roads in areas that are really sensitive to the environment. In those places, they can’t use regular building materials because they could harm the plants and animals living there. So, they’re trying to be extra smart by using modern, innovative technology and non-toxic materials for road construction. They want to make sure our roads are safe for everyone, including Mother Nature!
  • Remember, our little eco-warriors, even small ideas can make a big difference. So, let’s do our part to protect the environment, just like the Border Roads Organisation. Together, we can make our planet a cleaner, greener, and happier place for everyone!

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