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Cancer-free girl thanks to revolutionary treatment!


Recommended for Health

A revolutionary treatment has cured a girl of cancer. Medical experts believed that the cancer was incurable.

13-year-old Alyssa was diagnosed with leukaemia. None of the existing treatments that had been tried for Alyssa’s leukaemia had worked. So, the doctors used an innovative method called “base editing.” It is a form of biological engineering.

What is Biological Engineering?

Biological engineering is the use of life sciences, physical sciences, math, and engineering principles to define and solve problems in human anatomy.

Medical experts feel that this treatment is barely capable of scratching the surface of what could be achieved with biological engineering. 

Key facts!

  • In a healthy human body, T-cells are intended to be the body’s guards, seeking out and killing any dangers.
  • In Alyssa’s case, her T-cells had turned into a threat.
  • Thereby the T-cells were increasing out of control.
  • Her cancer was a very aggressive form.
  • Traditional forms of treatment were unsuccessful in removing cancer from her body.
  • However amazing advances have been made in medicine.
  • Base editing is a relatively new technology that was utilised for Alyssa’s treatment.
  • The innovative treatment allows medical experts to zero in on a specific region of the hereditary code.
  • This allows scientists to modify the genetic instructions contained inside the DNA code.
  • Thus the scientists were able to manufacture a new form of T-cell.
  • The new T-cell was capable of locating and eliminating the cancerous T-cells that were present in Alyssa.
  • After six months, the cancer is no longer visible. However, Alyssa will still be kept an eye on in case the cancer relapses.

Watch a video

Dr Binocs from Peekabookids explains Genetic Engineering.

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