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Chimps at two zoos stay ‘social’ via Zoom video calls


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Did you attend classes via Zoom during the lockdown? Or have you seen your parents or older siblings using Zoom?

What is Zoom?

Zoom Cloud Meetings (or Zoom) is a video teleconferencing software program developed by Zoom Video Communications. Users can use it for free or pay for more facilities. It was the 5th most downloaded mobile app worldwide in 2020 at 477 million downloads

Zoom video calls have become a normal part of our lives these days. And it turns out, animals are getting on it too.

The chimpanzees at two zoos in the Czech Republic in Europe are ‘socialising’ using Zoom video calls.

These chimps live at two zoos about 150 km apart. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the zoos are closed and there are no visitors. So, the zookeepers have set up giant screens and use Zoom video to show the chimps to each other.

The sound is off but the chimps can see what each other is doing. In the beginning, they approached the screen a little angrily but now, they treat it like a TV where a show is on.

What else?

Not only that, but the chimps are also acting like humans by eating snacks while watching each other (as if they are watching TV).

See the chimps watch each other over Zoom below:


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