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Image depicting Chinese astronauts en route the Tiangong space station!

Chinese astronauts en route to the Tiangong space station!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

China sent a rocket carrying three astronauts to the country’s newly finished space station. The name of the rocket is “Shenzhou-15,” and the name of China’s space station is “Tiangong.”

Onboard the astronauts will temporarily share space with three astronauts from an earlier mission.

Key facts!

  • The China Manned Space Agency says that the journey will take six months.
  • The crew of the Shenzhou-15 will work at the Tiangong station with the astronauts already onboard.
  • This crew will return to Earth at the end of their six-month mission.
  • The Tiangong space station can hold up to six astronauts at once.
  • The process of handing over the station will take about seven days.
  • This is the start of the first crew change while the station is in orbit around the Earth.
  • China hasn’t said anything yet about what tasks still need to be done to finish the station.
  • The Xuntian space telescope will be sent into space by the company the following year.
  • Tiangong has a lifespan of 10 to 15 years.
  • If plans for the International Space Station to be shut down in the coming years go as planned, it could be the only space station still in use in the future.
  • A second Chinese rover is also looking for signs of life on Mars right now.

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