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Clouded leopard is found in Nagaland mountains


Recommended for Secondary Grades

A mysterious clouded leopard has been spotted in the Nagaland mountains.

Do you know what is a leopard? And have you ever seen a clouded leopard?

Leopard is a member of the cat family. Recently, a new species of leopards have been found.

Researchers have spotted a clouded leopard in a community forest in Nagaland. These leopards are known for their spotted coat, and they have remained hidden until now.

These leopards live in the low elevation evergreen rainforests. The researchers found the clouded leopards at a height of 3,700 meters along the Indo-Myanmar border.

Clouded Leopards

Clouded leopards are known to be keen climbers. They have short, powerful legs with rotating rear ankles. Their rotating ankles help them to climb up the mountain at a fast speed. Moreover, it also helps them to hang upside down using their large paws and sharp claws.

Researchers have said that these clouded leopards hunt on deer, pigs, monkeys and even birds. They have large canines which help them in hunting.

However, these leopards are the largest wild leopards that are extinct. They are known as Khephak in Chirr Dialect.

A new project called the Clouded Leopard Project is dedicated to the conservation of clouded leopards.

Watch this beautiful video of clouded leopard below:


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There are so many animals in the world. Some live on land, some on trees, some in water and some fly up in the sky. Some are fun and playful and some quite dangerous too. Sometimes they work in teams but some prefer to be alone. But if we look carefully there is so much we can learn from them too! Can you think of some of the qualities that you love about animals? Read our animal news for kids for more interesting animal stories.

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