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Image depicting Computer Shiksha to Make Children Digitally Literate!

Computer Shiksha to Make Children Digitally Literate!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

In today’s digital age, computer literacy is essential for success. As it provides access to technology education that is crucial for the empowerment of young minds.

An initiative called “Computer Shiksha” is making substantial strides towards bridging the digital divide in India. They teach underprivileged children essential computer skills.

Important Details

  • Firstly, Computer Shiksha is a non-profit organization that focuses on providing computer education.
    • They aim to make underprivileged children digitally literate and thereby improve their future prospects.
    • In addition, the initiative offers a structured curriculum.
    • The curriculum covers basic computer skills, the use of the internet, and essential software applications.
    • This curriculum is designed to be easily understood and accessible.
    • Thus making it an effective tool for empowering young learners.
  • Secondly, the organization operates through a unique model involving refurbishing and recycling used computers.
    • In other words, computers are donated to schools, NGOs, and other institutions.
    • This approach not only helps to reduce electronic waste but also ensures that more children can access essential technology education.
    • This is possible even in remote or financially constrained areas.

Wrap Up

In conclusion, Computer Shiksha is doing a good job because they have friends who help them. These friends are companies, people who give money, and people who give their time to help.

Because of these friends, Computer Shiksha has been able to help lots of kids in India learn about computers. This is important because the world is changing fast and it’s good for kids to know how to use computers.

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