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Image depicting Computing Fabrics - Textiles and technology unite!

Computing Fabrics – Textiles and technology unite!


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Students and researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) are developing the skills they need to connect the worlds of gadgets and computing with the world of beauty, especially when it comes to fabric, building, and design. Computing Fabrics makes it possible for fabric and technology to come together.

Experts at MIT and the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) are working together on this project.

Fun facts about Computing Fabrics!

  • Researchers and students working on the “Computing Fabrics” project think that the fabric will become a computer in the future.
  • The computing fabrics will do everything that our smartphones already do and a lot more for us.
  • Computing Fabrics could also do a lot more because they cover so much of our bodies. For example, if you want to learn more about your health or know about changes in your health before they happen.
  • Researchers have also written about fabrics that could help people with hearing problems hear better and fabrics that could listen to the unborn.
  • The computing fibre in a computing fabric could also be used as a battery. So, you could hook it up to a device.
  • Experts think that, even though the research is still in its early stages, it shows a lot of promise. 

Researchers believe that fabrics will continue to hold a special place in our hearts. They are going to retain the same degree of gentleness, in addition to the same degree of beauty, that they have always possessed. But from this point on, they will carry an entirely different meaning. They could offer us something of value that has never been experienced by anyone else before.

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Watch a video

A short video on “Computing Fabrics” from the creators.

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