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image depicting COP26 ends climate summit with new climate agreement

COP26 climate summit ends with new climate agreement


Recommended for Secondary Grades

The United Nations COP26 climate summit came to an end on 12 November 2021. Held in Glasgow, Scotland, was the biggest and most important climate-related conference on the planet. COP stands for ‘Conference of the Parties’.

Countries at the COP26 climate summit have signed the Glasgow Climate Pact. This is the first-ever climate deal to explicitly (clearly) plan to reduce coal. Coal is considered to be the worst fossil fuel for greenhouse gases.

The deal also calls for more urgent emission cuts and promises more money for developing countries. This money will help them adapt to climate impacts.

Criticism of the COP26 climate summit agreement

However, experts say that these pledges (promises) are not enough to limit temperatures to 1.5 Celsius. Scientists say that if global temperatures rise by more than 1.5 C, millions will suffer even more.

There had been plans to phase out (remove) coal but China and India opposed it. So, instead, they have agreed to “phase down” the use of coal and this has disappointed many people. Instead, all countries have agreed to have another conference in Egypt next year as they also look at their national plans.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said the planet was “hanging by a thread”. “We are still knocking on the door of climate catastrophe… it is time to go into emergency mode – or our chance of reaching net zero will itself be zero.”


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