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Countries responsible for most space pollution!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Statista puts out a list of the countries that cause the maximum space pollution. With more than 7,000 pieces of space trash, Russia is at the top. India is at number six on the list. 

Statista creates the list based on information directly from NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration). By simulating the destruction of their own satellites with missiles, countries add to the problem of dangerous space junk. As a part of this process, the anti-satellite (ASAT) capabilities are also looked at.

One of the tools being used to deal with the problem of space junk is the NASA Bumper. This gives NASA the information it needs to figure out how likely it is that space debris will damage a spacecraft during the time it is in use.

On July 9, 2020, NASA also came out with two NASA Interim Directives (NIDs). They want to keep the Moon and Mars safe. These rules are also meant to protect the Earth from any pollution that comes from space.

Key facts!

  • The exploration of space results in the creation of debris.
  • The space junk includes everything from broken satellites to flaky pain.
  • It presents a challenge to both ongoing programmes and those yet to come.
  • NASA  and other spacefaring organisations have been involved in space debris research.
  • The United States of America came in second with over 5,000 pieces of debris. China came in third place with over 3,500 points.
  • The countries of Japan, France, and India came in fourth, fifth, and sixth place, respectively, with almost 500, 115, and 100 fragments of debris, respectively.
  • The European Space Agency is ranked seventh with 60 pieces.
  • The United Kingdom is in eighth place with one point.

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