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Delhivery to use drones to make deliveries in future


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Delhivery to use drones to make deliveries in future

Delhivery, an India-based company supplies goods and services to consumers. It was founded in 2011 by Indian entrepreneurs.

Exciting Announcement

Recently, Delhivery acquired a US company, Transition Robotics Inc (TRI). They build drones. With this, Delhivery hopes offer a wide range of services using drones (called unmanned aerial vehicles – UAVs).  

What is a drone?

A drone is an unpiloted aircraft. It performs a variety of tasks from military operations to package delivery.

Uses of drones?

In the last few years, we’ve seen significant uses of drones. Drones can be used for a wide range of activities:

  1. Supporting medical requirements. Read how a hospital in Canada used a drone to help with a lung transplant.
  2. Taking photographs or filming from the air. Watch how a drone captures an amazing view of the world’s highest waterfall.
  3. Delivering goods and services to consumers. Check out books delivery by drones. 
  4. Used in search and rescue operations.
  5. Inspection of geographical areas which are difficult to access by humans.

It will be exciting to see how Delhivery utilises drones to provide world-class services to its consumers.

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