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Dreams do come true! Mother-daughter duo win tickets to space


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, little space explorers! Let’s blast off on a inspiring and heartwarming journey through the story of Keisha Schahaff and her big space adventure!

So, guess what? There’s this super cool lady named Keisha Schahaff who won not one, but TWO free tickets to go to space! Isn’t that like winning the biggest, sparkliest, outer space jackpot ever? And guess who gave her these magical tickets? It’s a company called Virgin Galactic. They’re all about flying up high where the stars twinkle.

Now, let us tell you a little story about the company that’s sending Keisha to space. A long time ago, a man named Richard Branson, who’s like a real-life space captain, decided he wanted to make space travel not just for astronauts, but for regular people too! So, he started a company called Virgin Galactic. He had a team of clever folks who built a space plane that looks kinda like a super fancy private jet. And do you know where he’s from? Britain! 

Galactic Dream Duo

  • Keisha is like a superhero but in real life. She’s 44 years old and comes from a place called Antigua and Barbuda. It’s like a sunny paradise in the Caribbean, where the beaches are sandy and the ocean is like a big, blue pool. Keisha is really good at helping people be healthy and full of energy. She’s like a coach for feeling awesome! 
  • Now, her daughter is just 17 and lives all the way in Britain. She’s super smart and loves science, especially space stuff. You know what’s interesting? She dreams of working for NASA when she grows up. Imagine her telling aliens what to do! 
  • Guess what? Keisha’s daughter is about to get the most amazing surprise ever! Since Keisha won those space tickets, her daughter gets to go too! It’s like they’re in a super space team, exploring the stars together. They’re like a space superhero duo – one’s a health coach, and the other’s a future NASA superstar!
  • So, what’s the plan? Well, Keisha and her daughter are going to fly in a space plane. But wait, this isn’t just any plane. It’s like a magic carrier plane that will carry a super cool space vessel. It’s going to take off from a long, normal runway, just like the planes you see at the airport. And then, when it’s way up high in the sky, the space vessel will be released to soar even higher, almost like a bird spreading its wings.
  • Now, let’s wrap this up with a big, starry bow. This whole story is like a rainbow of amazing things coming together. Keisha won tickets from a special space lottery, her daughter’s dream is coming true, and they’re going to float around in zero gravity, feeling like they’re bouncing on the moon! This shows that space, which used to be just for astronauts, is now opening its doors to regular people who dream of touching the stars.
  • So, keep dreaming, little space adventurers! Because who knows, maybe one day you’ll be zooming through the galaxies too. And remember, whether it’s in space or right here on Earth, there’s always room for big dreams and twinkling stars in our hearts.

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