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Earth’s Black Box will record our planets’ details


Recommended for Middle Grades

Earth’s Black Box will record our planets’ details

What is project Earth's Black Box?

Earth's Black Box is a giant steel structure, and it will be filled with hard drives. These hard drives will be powered by solar panels. The purpose of these hard drives will be to document and preserve real-time scientific updates.

What's the location of the Earth's Black Box?

Although the exact location of the Black Box has not been disclosed, we do know it will be hidden somewhere on the remote Australian island of Tasmania.

What will Earth’s Black Box store?

Scientists will store information related to climate change, species extinction, environmental pollution, and impacts on health. If in the future we face a world crisis some future society might discover the Earth’s Black Box and piece together what happened to our planet.

Experts also hope that doing this will also encourage us to act responsibly towards climate change and the environment.

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