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Kimbap – Eat Street!


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Kimbap (Gimbap) is a famous Korean dish often referred to as Korean sushi. ‘Kim’ (or gim) means ‘dried seaweed’ in Korean, and ‘bap’ (or bop) means rice.

This dish normally consists of seaweed (kim), rice (bap) and other seasonal ingredients that are usually rolled, sliced, and served.

Key facts about Kimbap!

  • Fishcakes, meat, spinach, eggs, and cucumbers are the most common ingredients in kimbap but fillings can vary from region to region.
  • There are three main styles of kimbap and one can find numerous variations within each of them:
    • Traditional kimbap with seaweed, rice and fillings.
    • French or nude kimbap with seaweed on the inner side and rice on the outside.
    • Samgak kimbap which is shaped like a triangle
  • Some popular varieties of gimbap include cheese, spicy cooked squid, kimchi (Korean pickle), luncheon meat or spicy tuna kimbap.
  • The dish is often served as part of a packed meal usually to be eaten at picnics and outdoor events.


  • At first gim (seaweed) sheets are toasted over low heat.
  • On the side, cooked rice is lightly seasoned with salt and sesame oil.
  • Vegetable and meat ingredients are also separately seasoned and fried.
  • Then toasted gim is laid on a bamboo roller with a thin layer of cooked rice on top.
  • Other ingredients are placed on the rice and rolled into a cylindrical shape and then sliced into pieces.

Youtube user “Foreign Tadka” teaches us how to make Kimbap.

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