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Egg throwing is an Easter sport


Recommended for Foundational Grades

What is Easter?

Easter is a Christian festival and holiday. It celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Resurrection means to come back to life.

Easter party games are part of the Easter holiday tradition. One popular game is called egg throwing.

Important Details

  • Egg throwing, as the name suggests, involves an egg and it involves throwing. One member of a two-person team tosses an egg to another.
  • They repeat the toss if the egg does not break. The contest continues until the final team is left with an unbroken egg.
  • Egg throwing was first played hundreds of years ago in Britain, during Easter at the church.
  • In this game, the priest gave out one hard-boiled egg to toss around among the people church.
  • The person who held the egg at 12’o clock got to keep it.
  • Today, this sport is quite popular. In 2011, 2130 people even took part in an egg-throwing event. Now, that’s a huge number!
  • World Egg Throwing Federation
  • There is also an official organisation called the World Egg Throwing Federation.
  • It holds an egg-throwing championship in Swaton, England on the last Sunday of June every year.
  • So, this sport is a serious one.

Would you like to try it? I, on the other hand, will give it a pass. The only egg I like is the one on my plate. Have no plans to throw one and certainly not get hit by one!

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