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Image depicting Egypt Unveils Biggest Mummification Workshop!

Egypt Unveils Biggest Mummification Workshop!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, mummy experts! Brace yourselves as we travel back in time to ancient Egypt, where some pretty incredible discoveries have been made. Get ready to uncover the secrets of the “biggest ever mummification workshop!” Found by awesome Egyptian archaeologists near Cairo!

Picture this: a bunch of ancient buildings that are over 2,400 years old, where they used to do this really complicated stuff on humans and even sacred animals. Yep, you heard it right, animals got mummified too!

Now, these buildings were found near Djoser’s Step Pyramid, the oldest stone pyramid in town. Inside, the archaeologists stumbled upon some jaw-dropping surprises. They discovered not just one, but two stone beds for human mummification! These beds were about two meters long and one meter wide, made of stone blocks. 

But wait, there’s more! They also found these cool jars called canopic jars. These held the organs that were taken out of the bodies during the mummification process. Ewww, but also fascinating, right? It’s like ancient Egyptians were playing a creepy game of hide-and-seek with body parts.

Egyptian Mummy Marvels!

  • Now, get this: there was a whole rectangular mud brick building just for human mummification. It had different rooms where they worked their mummy magic. Inside, they found rolls of linen (not toilet paper, of course) and all kinds of tools for organ extraction. Yikes! Can you imagine being the ancient Egyptian dentist?
  • But wait, there’s more fun stuff! They found another rectangular building for mummifying sacred animals. It had animal burials and fancy bronze tools just for mummifying those critters. They even found five limestone beds on the floor. We guess animals like to sleep in style too!
  • And let’s not forget about the tombs! They found these two small tombs carved into rocks. They’re believed to belong to some important people like high-ranking officials and priests. One of the tombs had walls covered in drawings of farming, hunting, and other daily activities. 
  • So, our little adventurers, ancient Egyptian mummification was no joke! It was a looooong process that could take up to 70 days! Step one: take out the organs. Two: wash the body and cover it in some fancy mineral called natron. Step three: wait for it to dry for 40 days. Patience is key, friends!
  • Once dried, the body was wrapped up like a big mummy burrito in linen bandages. They even wrote spells and drew pictures of their gods on the bandages. Talk about a personalized fashion statement! Finally, the mummy was put in a coffin and buried.
  • Oh, and by the way, this whole place was near the Bubasteion necropolis! A major burial site for ancient Egyptians. It was like a cat heaven! They dedicated it to Bastet, the goddess of cats. Imagine a place where cats were treated like royalty—scratching posts and laser pointers for everyone!
  • So there you have it, our Egyptologists! The adventure of the “biggest ever mummification workshop” discovered in ancient Egypt. Now, who’s up for some ancient Egyptian dress-up? Mummy costume party, anyone?

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