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Image depicting Experts discover 4500 years old Egyptian Sun temple

Experts discover 4500 years old Egyptian Sun temple


Recommended for Middle Grades

Experts discover 4500 years old Egyptian Sun temple

Recently, experts discovered a 4500 years old Egyptian Sun temple. It is 12 miles to the South of Cairo (the capital of Egypt). So far three of the six sun temples have been discovered.  These Sun temples were built during the ancient Egyptian civilization. 

Experts believe this Sun temple to be more than 4500 years old. The last discovery of a Sun temple was done fifty years ago. The Sun temples were built to worship the Sun god “Ra” or “Re”. 

Who is the Sun God?

Sun god “Ra” or “Re” is believed to be ancient Egypt’s most powerful god.

Sun temples discovered earlier were made using stone. However, the Sun temple recently discovered was made using mud bricks. This makes their discovery harder. The mud brick temples get easily buried under other constructions as time passes by or could be easily destroyed.

Furthermore, experts have found beer jars filled with ritual mud at the Sun temple site. 

Experts believe that one of the main purposes of Sun temples was for the ancient Egyptian king to raise himself to the status of Sun god over the course of his rule.

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