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Facebook has a new company name, ‘Meta’


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We all know about and use the social media app Facebook. Moreover, Facebook also owns WhatsApp and Instagram.

However, Facebook has been facing a number of criticisms. Reports have emerged that Facebook knew Instagram was causing harm to teenagers, especially teen girls but did not do much to solve the issue. Ex-employees have said that Facebook values “profits over safety”. All in all, Facebook’s image has been damaged.

In an effort to change its reputation, the company has renamed itself as ‘Meta‘. This applies only to the parent company. So, the names of individual apps under it like Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp will remain as they are.

This is similar to what Google also did in 2015. It reorganised the company and changed the name of its parent company to ‘Alphabet’.

The metaverse

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg said that the plan behind the name change is to build a “metaverse“. This will be Meta’s own “universe”, an online world. Here people can game, work and communicate in a virtual environment, often using VR (virtual reality) headsets.

How do VR headsets work?

VR or virtual reality headsets help you “enter” the online world. It is designed to make you feel like you are part of it.

The company announced a new logo as well. The new logo is a blue infinity shape and will replace Facebook’s old thumbs-up “Like” logo. Moreover, Facebook also announced plans to hire 10,000 people in the European Union to build the “metaverse”.


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