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Image depicting Families worry as Ukrainian kids moved for money!

Families worry as Ukrainian kids moved for money!


Recommended for Secondary Grades

In Ukraine, a country in Europe, something very sad and scary happened to many kids during a war. The war was between Ukraine and Russia, and some people took advantage of the chaos to hurt innocent kids.

These people, who were supposed to be friends or even family members, tricked the children and took them away from their homes. They did this because they wanted to make money by taking care of the children or even by giving them away to other families.

This caused a lot of pain and worry for the children and their real parents.

Important Details

  • The war between Ukraine and Russia led to the kidnapping of many children.
  • Some people, like friends and relatives, took the children for selfish reasons, such as making money.
  • The children were told scary lies to make them believe they were in danger from their own country’s soldiers.
  • One girl named Alina was taken to Russia by a woman named Yvgenia, who pretended to be her friend. But in reality, Yvgenia only wanted money and a better place to live.
  • Many children have been kidnapped and taken to Russia, but some lucky ones have been able to return home.
  • Alina’s mother, Svitlana, had to travel to Russia through a difficult and dangerous route to find her daughter.
  • The authorities in Russia were angry at the woman who took Alina and helped Svitlana get her back.
  • Sadly, not all families have been able to find their kidnapped children, and some are afraid they may never see them again.


  • This is a very sad and troubling situation. It’s terrible to think that some people would hurt children just to make money. The war in Ukraine has caused a lot of pain and confusion, and it’s especially hard for the kids who have been taken away from their families.
  • But we must remember that there are good people, like Alina’s mother and the volunteers who helped her, who are doing their best to bring these children back home.
  • We should also be grateful for our own families and the love and care they give us. It’s important to stand up against anyone who wants to harm children and to support efforts to protect them.

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