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Family creates 23-metre snake out of snow


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Do you like playing in the snow?

Morn Mosley is a young man living in the city of Denver in Colorado, US. Right now, it is very cold in Denver and snowing a lot.

So, Morn and his five siblings decided to create something amazing with all the snow. They made a snake measuring around 23 metres long. That is a little longer than a cricket pitch!

They spent ten hours making this amazingly long snake. They also used spray paint to make its body green, blue and orange and the eyes black and blue. It is in the front garden of their mother’s house.

This isn’t the first time that the Mosley family have made such a huge snow creature. In 2019, they also created a huge snow tiger.

What would you also like to make out of snow? Tell us.

Watch a video on how a snowflake is formed. Video credit: Wild Kratts/Youtube


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