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Image depicting First-ever live streaming of the Supreme Court gets more than eight lakh views!

First-ever live streaming of the Supreme Court gets more than eight lakh views!


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Hey there! Guess what? Something super exciting happened in India! The Supreme Court, which is like the boss of all courts, did something totally new and hilarious. They let people watch their court hearings live on TV!

Can you imagine that? It’s like a real-life courtroom drama right in your living room!

Supreme Spectacle: Live Court Drama Unveiled!

  • Now, if you want to be a part of this cool experience, you can visit a special website called There, you can watch the Supreme Court proceedings happening right now. It’s like having a front-row seat to all the action!
  • You know, watching the court hearings live is not just for fun. It’s actually really important. It helps make sure that everyone is being honest. You see, sometimes lawyers say things that might not be true, but when people are watching, they can catch them in their little fibs. It also helps keep the judges on their toes and make sure they start everything on time and give both sides a fair chance. It’s like having a referee in a game to make sure everything is fair!
  • This live streaming thing is not just exciting for us, but also for people who study and teach law. They can learn a lot from watching these court hearings. It’s like a big classroom for them to see how the justice system works in action. They can pick up some cool tricks and strategies from the lawyers and judges.
  • Let us tell you about some interesting things that happened during these live-streamed court hearings. In one of the cases, there was a fight between Team Uddhav Thackeray and Team Eknath Shinde over the Shiv Sena’s symbol. It’s like two teams arguing about who gets to use their cool logo!
  • And you know what? One of the defense attorneys, named Kapil Sibal, was on TV making his case. It’s like watching a superhero using his superpowers to defend someone!
  • Oh, and it’s not just the Supreme Court that does this. Some other courts in Gujarat, Orissa, Karnataka, Jharkhand, and Madhya Pradesh also show their hearings live. It’s like a trend catching on!
  • In the end, experts think that this is a great step toward making more people trust the justice system. They can see for themselves how everything works and even go back to the recorded videos later to spot any patterns that might need fixing. It’s like being a detective and solving a mystery!
  • So, my little friend, if you’re interested in law or just want to see something really cool, hop on the website and start watching the Supreme Court proceedings. Who knows, maybe one day you’ll become a famous lawyer or judge yourself!

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Deep within India’s Supreme Court, powered by the National Informatics Centre, where justice meets cutting-edge technology!

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