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First woman astronaut from the United Arab Emirates to go to space


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What do we call people who travel to space? Astronauts or cosmonauts (in Russian). The first woman astronaut to travel to outer space was Russian cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova in 1963. Since then, many other women have also gone to space.

Nora Al-Matrooshi, a 27-year-old woman has become the first woman astronaut from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to be selected as an astronaut. She is also the first Arab woman astronaut.

Nora is currently working as an engineer. She was selected as an astronaut along with another person named Mohammed Al-Mulla.

The two of them were chosen from more than 4000 people who applied to be astronauts.

Now, they will train as astronauts with NASA. In the future, Nora could become the first-ever Arab woman in space.

Till now, it is mostly men who have gone to space. So, many countries are trying to include more women astronauts.

Watch a video of Valentina Tereshkova:

How many of you kids want to grow up to be an astronaut? How exciting is the life of an astronaut right! But of course, there is a lot of hard work, researching, presence of mind and courage that goes into becoming one. Read about the great astronauts who ventured out into space in Curious Times space news for kids. Also, learn about scientific research, new space technologies, space missions, new planets and much more. Finally, let your curiosity help you reach the stars!


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