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image depicting See flower in amber from 100 million years ago

See flower in amber from 100 million years ago


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Flower in amber from 100 million years ago

What is amber? Amber is fossilised tree resin (resin is a kind of liquid produced by trees). It is usually orange-yellow in colour and has been used as a gemstone since ancient times. Creatures like dinosaurs and spiders are often found preserved in amber.

Recently, scientists discovered a flower in amber from Myanmar. This flower has been in there for over 100 million years!

This flower has been preserved in the amber so well that it still looks as beautiful as it looked so long ago.

The flower in amber has been named Valviloculus pleristaminis. It is a very tiny male flower, measuring only about 2 millimetres across.

The flower gives scientists a peek into a long-ago botanical past. They suspect this single flower was once part of a bunch on a plant.


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