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image depicting Business news: For the first time in four years, Apple outsells Samsung

Business news: For the first time in four years, Apple outsells Samsung


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Business news

US technology giant Apple emerged as the top global smartphone seller in the last quarter of 2020 (September to December).

This is the first time in four years that it has beaten South Korean smartphone giant Samsung in smartphone sales. The last time Apple was the top smartphone seller was in the fourth quarter of 2016.

In 2020, Apple released four models in the iPhone 12 series and a cheaper iPhone SE. The iPhone 12 series supports 5G. The popularity of the 5G iPhone 12 series helped Apple overtake Samsung.

Business news

Across the whole of 2020, Apple enjoyed a growth of 3.3%, while Samsung’s sales fell by 14.6%. Samsung also faced tough competition from other smartphone sellers like Xiaomi, Vivo and OPPO.

Overall, global smartphones sales declined in 2020. Huawei recorded the highest decline among the top five smartphone vendors.


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