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image depicting Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy found guilty of corruption

Ex French President Sarkozy found guilty of corruption


Recommended for Secondary Grades

A court in Paris, France has found former French President Nicolas Sarkozy guilty of corruption. Sarkozy, who is 66 years old, was the President of France from 2007 to 2012.

This ruling marks the first time in France’s modern history that a former president has been given a prison sentence for corruption. Another former President, Jacques Chirac, was also earlier found guilty of misuse of public money during his time as Paris mayor. But he did not receive jail time.

Corruption: Sarkozy was convicted (found guilty) of trying to bribe a magistrate (judge) in exchange for information about a case in which he was involved. He is also under investigation in two more cases.

Sarkozy has been sentenced to a year in prison for corruption. However, he can serve that time at home and will likely not go to a real prison. He will also appeal against the sentence.


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