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Image depicting G-20 Leaders Visit Srinagar to Discover New Kashmir!

G-20 Leaders Visit Srinagar to Discover New Kashmir!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, inquisitive reader! Some super-duper important folks, known as delegates, paid a visit to a city called Srinagar in a special place called Kashmir. They were curious to see all the cool changes that have happened in Kashmir. Can you imagine that?

G20 Delegates’ Kashmir Quest: A Whirlwind Tour!

  • So, these delegates, about 60 of them, all the way from 27 different countries, went on a tour of Srinagar. They started their day with a yoga session. Then they went to see some cool places. First, they visited the famous Mughal Gardens on the Dal Lake. These gardens were built by a prince named Dara Shikoh a long time ago.
  • After the gardens, they went to a place called the Royal Spring Golf Course.The delegates also went to a market called Polo View. It’s a fancy market where they can only walk, no cars allowed! They bought all kinds of things made by the talented people of Kashmir.
  • Now, here’s the interesting part. Some of the delegates said nice things about the trip. The South Korean Ambassador loved being in Srinagar and hoped more people would come to visit. A delegate from Mexico praised our Prime Minister and said G20 is a big deal for their country. And even the High Commissioner of Singapore tweeted about all the fun he had shopping and finding interesting things.
  • But you know what? Not everyone wanted to talk about the trip. Some delegates from the European Union didn’t say a word to the media. Maybe they were too busy having fun!
  • Oh, and guess what? The organizers tried really hard to show that everything is peaceful in Kashmir. They wanted to prove that things have gotten better. But some countries like China, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Indonesia didn’t send their delegates. Oops! That must have been a bummer for the organizers. But hey, at least the other countries got to see the “changing situation” firsthand.
  • Overall, it seems like a really fun and important event in Srinagar. The city had lots of security, and even some schools were closed because of it. But hey, who needs school when you have important delegates visiting, right?
  • Well, that’s the story of the G20 delegates touring Srinagar and seeing the “changed Kashmir situation.” It was an interesting adventure, don’t you think?

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