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Image depicting Giorgia Meloni is Italy’s first female Prime Minister!

Giorgia Meloni is Italy’s first female Prime Minister!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Giorgia Meloni becomes Italy’s first female prime minister. She will be leading the most conservative government that the country has seen since World War II.

Political analysts speculate that the 45-year-old woman has very little experience in governing. She would be taking office at a time when her country is facing significant challenges.

Her campaigns were marked by protests against the European Union, LGBTQ groups, and immigrants. Meloni also has a history of supporting anti-abortion policies.

Key facts!

  • The next government of Italy will have to deal with a number of interconnected crises as a result of the energy shortages that have been caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
  • These shortages have contributed to runaway inflation and have hampered economic growth.
  • Giorgia Meloni has attempted to reassure voters and investors that she will keep Italy’s enormous debt under control.
  • She will also not question the country’s support for Ukraine or its foreign alliances.
  • A political science professor predicts that it won’t be long before the government will be tested by internal tensions.
  • Meloni gave a speech on the night of the election.  She thanked her team and supporters.
  • She believes that one starts by doing what is necessary and then one does what is possible.
  • In the end, one is successful in doing the impossible.

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