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Gmail app crossed 10 billion downloads!


Recommended for Gmail

Hey, look! The Gmail constellation – 10 billion downloads and beyond!

Do you kids remember the days when pigeons were used for sending messages? Silly question, how would you? You weren’t even born back then, neither was I :-). Could we safely assume more than ten billion pigeons were used for communications back in the good old days? Who knows? We could ask the pigeons now? I have always been fascinated by pigeons, they keep bobbing their heads, keep saying the same thing over and over again, cleaning their feathers and god knows what they fight about every now and then. The best part is they don’t need to lie down to sleep :-). How cool is that? From pigeons to Gmail, the pigeons tell me that the “Gmail app crossed 10 billion downloads!”

Gmail app crosses 10 billion downloads

The Gmail app’s been downloaded more than 10 billion times from the play store. As I type this down, I had to do a sanity check and check on the Google Play Store (that’s the adult side of me), yep! so the numbers do tell us the truth, for now. I wonder how does this work from a monetary perspective, since Google, Play Store, Android, Gmail – all come under the umbrella of the same parent company (Alphabet)? It’s all in a letter, elementary my dear Watson.

Any other apps across this milestone

Google Play Store, Google Maps and Youtube are some other apps that have crossed the ten billion installs milestone.  Our heartiest congratulations to the entire team at Google and looks like this gives them “thumbs up” from a significant portion of the human species on smartphones.

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