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Google Doodle honours James Naismith, the father of basketball


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Google Doodle honours James Naismith, the father of basketball

Do you play basketball? It is one of the world’s most popular sports, played by around 300 million people.

Today, Google Doodle is honouring James Naismith, the father and inventor of basketball. He invented the game of basketball in 1891.

Who was James Naismith and how did he invent the game?

Naismith was a Canadian-American professor, doctor and physical educator. He was born on 6 November 1861 on a farm in Canada and later, moved to study and work in the US.

In 1890, he started working as an instructor at the YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association) International Training College in Springfield, Massachusetts in the US.

At the college, he was asked to develop an indoor game for students to play during the harsh winters. Using two peach baskets, a football and ten rules, he ended up inventing “basket ball”.

See the Google Doodle below


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