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Google Pays Big Bucks for Tricky Ads!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, curious reader! Guess what? Google, the super famous search engine and tech giant, is going to pay a whopping $8 million! Can you imagine that?

But why, you ask? Well, it seems like Google got caught in a bit of a sticky situation.

Google’s Deceptive Fibs: $8 Million Payback!

  • You see, Google really wanted to promote their fancy Pixel 4 smartphone. So, they came up with an idea (or maybe not such a great one). They hired some radio announcers to say wonderful things about the Pixel 4 on the airwaves. But here’s the twist – they didn’t actually let those announcers use the phone they were raving about. Silly, right?
  • Now, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who’s like a superhero for protecting the people’s rights, stepped in and said, “Hold on a minute, Google! If you’re gonna advertise in Texas, you better be telling the truth!” And guess what? Turns out, Google wasn’t telling the whole truth. They were being sneaky and saying things that were, well, totally false.
  • So, Texas said, “Enough is enough!” and made Google pay up. Eight million dollars! That’s a whole lot of money. And you know why? It’s because Google was lying to the awesome people of Texas just to make more money. Not cool, Google, not cool at all!
  • But hey, it’s good to know that there are people like Attorney General Paxton who make sure big companies play fair. They held Google accountable for their fibs and made them pay the price. Remember, it’s always important to tell the truth and be honest, even if you’re a big fancy company like Google.
  • So, keep being curious, our little friend, and always remember to question things when they don’t seem right. And who knows, maybe one day you’ll be the one making sure everyone plays fair and square, just like Attorney General Paxton. Stay awesome!

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