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Google robots can be our crop inspectors


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Have you heard of Google robots? Read on to know more. Google’s parent company, Alphabet, has created prototypes of robots that can check individual plants in a field. It aims to help farmers improve crop yields (the quantity).

A prototype is the first example of a machine or product, from which future forms are developed.

The project is called Mineral. It is being carried out by an Alphabet’s team called X. This team aims to create world-changing technology from new, amazing ideas.

Important Details

  • Project ‘Mineral’ wants to find ways to feed Earth’s growing population. It wants to help produce crops more efficiently by understanding growth cycles and weather patterns.
  • The Google robots are designed to look like buggies or small vehicles. They roll through fields on upright pillars. They check on plants up close without disturbing them.
  • As they roll through the field, they collect high-quality images and information on each and every plant. Then, all the information collected is put into a machine learning system. This system can spot patterns, which will be useful to farmers.
  • Machine learning is a form of artificial intelligence (AI). It provides systems to record patterns, automatically learn and improve from experience.
  • Currently, farmers do have information about the soil content or the weather. But the buggy Google robot is designed to see how plants were “actually growing and responding to their environment”.
  • Mineral said that it is testing out the system in Argentina, Canada, South Africa, and the United States.

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