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Asparagus – Healthify!


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Asparagus is also known as garden asparagus and its pet name is sparrow grass. Asparagus is a flowering plant with almost 300 different varieties. It belongs to the lily family.

It is used as a vegetable in many parts of the world. People eat it raw or cooked and also in dishes such as soups, stews, salads etc.

Key facts!

  • Only young asparagus are commonly eaten.
  • Moreover once the buds start to open they quickly turn woody.
  • It has a distinct flavour and an earthy taste similar to broccoli.
  • Along with China, it is widely used in the US, Canada, Germany, Peru, Mexico etc.
  • Asparagus has fewer calories and many essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
  • In addition, asparagus is a very good source of vitamin K, essential for bone health.
  • Also, it is a good source of fibre and helpful for good digestive health and heart health.
  • All the above along with being high in water content also makes it a weight-loss-friendly food.

Youtube user “Simple Medicine” shares with us the health benefits of eating asparagus.

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