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Helping Girls Stay Healthy & Happy Every Month!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Did you know that there’s something called menstrual health, and it’s a big deal for many people? Menstrual health is all about taking care of your body when you have your period.

But did you know that in some places, like cities in India, there are still some important things that need to be fixed to make sure everyone can have good menstrual health? Let’s find out more about it!

Important details

  • In a city in Maharashtra, something really sad happened. A man mistakenly thought his 12-year-old sister was in a relationship because he saw stains on her clothes. That’s not true at all, but it shows us that there is a lot of wrong information about periods in India’s cities.
  • In urban areas of India, girls and women live their lives in public spaces. They do all sorts of things, like going to work, school, or selling vegetables, while also dealing with their periods. But periods are still seen as something to be ashamed of, and people face many barriers because of it.
  • For example, some women may not have accurate information about periods or know how to take care of their bodies. They might use cloth that can’t be washed properly or wear sanitary pads for too long. Some people don’t even have clean toilets at home and have to use community toilets or find secluded places, which can be unsafe. And the toilets are often dirty or close early.
  • These barriers to menstrual hygiene can cause discomfort, infections, and even long-term health problems. Also, when people throw away their used pads, they are not always sorted properly, which is not good for the people who have to handle the waste.

Menstrual Health Awareness

  • So, what can be done to improve menstrual health in urban areas like cities? Well, first of all, it’s important to spread awareness about periods and make sure people understand that it’s a normal and natural thing. We also need to challenge the harmful ideas and stereotypes surrounding periods.
  • Another important step is making sure that menstrual products, like pads or cups, are easily available in stores, government programs, and organizations. People should have the right to choose what they want to use. Some movements even promote the use of reusable products like cloth pads and menstrual cups.
  • Creating female-friendly toilets is also crucial. Places like Telangana, Tamil Nadu, and Delhi have already started building toilets that are safe, clean, and have everything women need to manage their periods. Waste management is another challenge, but there are some good ideas, like having special bins and incinerators in female toilets.
  • However, there are still gaps that need to be closed. People living in slums or other vulnerable conditions need better access to menstrual health resources. Women working in different places should have support for their menstrual needs too. And it’s important to keep finding new ways to manage menstrual waste that are safe and can be used on a larger scale.
  • Readers, menstrual health is an important issue that we need to address in cities like those in India. There are still many challenges and misconceptions, but with awareness, better access to products, and improvements in waste management, we can make a big difference.
  • Remember, periods are normal, and everyone deserves to have good menstrual health. Let’s work together to make sure that happens!

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Watch a video

Peekaboo Kidz, a YouTube user, created a video that provides an explanation for why girls experience periods.

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