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image depicting Highly endangered ferret cloned from 33-year-old DNA

Highly endangered ferret cloned from 33-year-old DNA


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Hey there! Let’s dive into some super cool science news. Guess what? Scientists in the US have done something amazing. They cloned a black-footed ferret, which is a type of endangered animal.

And get this, they used DNA from a ferret that had been frozen since way back in 1988! Talk about time travel!

Important Details

  • Now, before we go any further, let’s learn about cloning. Cloning is when scientists make individuals with the exact same DNA. It’s like making a photocopy of yourself, but with animals. Cool, right?
  • So, these ferrets belong to the weasel family, and they’re cousins with badgers, otters, and minks. But here’s the thing, the black-footed ferret is in danger. There aren’t many of them left in North America, where they live.
  • But here’s where it gets exciting. They cloned one of these endangered ferrets! They named her Elizabeth Ann, and she’s pretty special. She won’t live in the wild, though. Instead, she’ll stay with the scientists who will study her and learn more about these amazing creatures.
  • The scientists hope that cloning Elizabeth Ann will help increase the ferret population. See, lots of animals are becoming extinct these days, and scientists are using cloning to try and save them. It’s like a science superhero mission!
  • Oh, and guess what? Last year, they also cloned an endangered Mongolian wild horse using the same cloning process. So, cloning is not just for science fiction movies anymore!
  • Isn’t it mind-boggling how scientists can bring back animals from the past using their DNA? We’re living in an exciting time. Who knows what other amazing discoveries are waiting for us? Keep your curious minds ready, because science is full of surprises!

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