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Image depicting India and U.S. Team Up for Super Vehicles!

India and U.S. Team Up for Super Vehicles!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Hey there! We have some exciting news to share with you. India and the United States are currently having discussions. They are discussing the possibility of working together to produce some amazing things. These things include jet engines, long-range artillery, and infantry vehicles. Isn’t that cool?

To make their partnership even stronger, they are launching something called INDUS-X. This launch will take place in Washington, just before the Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi, visits the United States next month.

During his visit, they are expecting to announce some fantastic high-tech initiatives.

Important Details

  • Before the visit, there was a meeting called the 17th meeting of India-U.S. Defence Policy Group. Some important people from India and the United States talked about many things. They reviewed the progress they have made in working together on defense projects. They also discussed military cooperation, defense agreements, exercises, and activities in the Indian Ocean Region.
  • Guess what? They even talked about ways to improve their defense industries and work together on research, development, and supply chain security. They are really serious about this partnership. The Defense Ministry said they talked about co-development and co-production. This means Indian and U.S. defense companies can work together on projects.
  • The Defense Secretary of India, Mr. Giridhar Aramane, also had a meeting with the Deputy Secretary of Defense from the United States, Dr. Kathleen Hicks. They both agreed that the launch of INDUS-X is a great opportunity to strengthen the partnership between the two countries’ defense industries.
  • You know what’s even more exciting? They are discussing the possibility of making jet engines together!  There are some famous companies involved, like General Electric (GE), Safran from France, and Rolls Royce from the U.K. If they succeed, India will become the fifth country in the world to make jet engines. It’s a big deal!
  • This collaboration also sends a message to other countries, like China, that India and the United States have a strong relationship and are working together closely. It’s a great opportunity for both countries.
  • The Deputy Secretary, Ms. Hicks, mentioned that the United States supports India’s plans to modernize its defense forces. They want to invest more in India’s manufacturing sector. This means more jobs and a stronger partnership between the two countries.

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