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Mysuru, Karnataka – India Travel Diaries!


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Did you know that the state of Karnataka was known as the State of Mysore till 1973? However, now Mysuru or Mysore refers to a city in Karnataka.

It is known as the cultural capital city of Karnataka. It is also a popular tourist spot.

Key facts!

  • Mysore is famous for its historical buildings and palaces.
  • Every evening, people gather at the Mysore Palace to see the light decorations.
  • You can also visit the Mysore Zoo, which is one of the biggest and oldest zoos in India.
  • It has many different species of birds, animals, reptiles and more.
  • Karangi Lake in Mysore is also very popular.
  • It is surrounded by a butterfly park and a walk-through aviary (where birds are kept).
  • This aviary is the biggest ‘walk-through’ aviary in India.
  • The delicious Mysore Pak, one of the most popular sweets in India, also has its origins in Mysore.
  • Apart from the above, the city also produces textiles like cotton and silk, rice, sandalwood oil etc.
  • Mysore silk sarees are famous around the world.
  • One of Mysore’s biggest attractions is its 10-day Dasara festival, where they have a parade of beautifully decorated elephants.
  • Thousands of tourists from around the world come to witness the beautiful celebration.

Have you been to Mysore? Do you think it’s beautiful?

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Jenniji shares her thoughts on some of the places to visit in Mysuru. 

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