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India-UAE strengthen ties!


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there were two amazing countries called India and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). These countries wanted to join forces and use their powers together to make a big impact on the way the world was changing. It’s like two superheroes teaming up to save the day!

Super Alliance: India-UAE Collaboration

  • To make their collaboration official, India and the UAE signed a super-duper agreement called the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA). This agreement was all about working together economically and making things easier for businesses. It’s like making a superhighway for trade!
  • The Minister of External Affairs, S. Jaishankar, was very excited about this agreement. He believed that CEPA would bring about some really cool and effective results. It’s like having a magic wand to make good things happen!
  • The agreement aimed to make trade rules transparent and honest. That means everyone can see what’s going on and trust that everything is fair. It’s like playing a game where everyone follows the same rules!
  • From what we can understand, both India and the UAE really want to help businesses and make things better for everyone. They want to make trade easier, which means more people can buy and sell things. It’s like a giant marketplace where everyone can find what they need!
  • So, to sum it all up, India and the UAE are joining forces to make a big impact on the world. They signed a special agreement called CEPA, which will make trade easier and more transparent.
  • This is a really exciting partnership, and it shows that when countries work together, amazing things can happen. India and the UAE are like two best friends, ready to make the world a better place. We can’t wait to see what they’ll do next!

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Check out this captivating promo video highlighting the game-changing UAE-India Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement!

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