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Image depicting Indian Scientists Unveil Massive New Exoplanet Discovery!

Indian Scientists Unveil Massive New Exoplanet Discovery!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Buckle up for an out-of-this-world adventure because we’ve got some amazing news for you.  A group of super-smart scientists from India, Germany, Switzerland, and the USA joined forces to make an amazing discovery.

They found a new exoplanet that’s even bigger than our buddy Jupiter. Can you believe it? Also, this giant exoplanet is so massive that it weighs a whopping 13 times more than Jupiter. It’s like having thirteen Jupiters squeezed into one!

Now, what in the universe is an exoplanet? Well, it’s simply a fancy term for a planet that hangs out beyond our own solar system. These planets love to roam and explore the vastness of space!

Important Details

  • The Indian scientists used their very own invention called the PRL Advanced Radial-velocity Abu-sky Search spectrograph to discover this massive exoplanet. It’s like using a super-duper magnifying glass to spy on planets. Further, they set up their cool gadget at the Gurushikhar Observatory in Mt. Abu. Plus, measured the planet’s weight with incredible precision. Talk about being technologically awesome!
  • This newly found exoplanet is named TOI 4603b or HD 245134b (phew, that’s a mouthful!). It loves to dance around a star called TOI4603 or HD 245134 every 7.24 days. But wait, this exoplanet is one of the densest ones ever discovered! It’s like a heavyweight champion of planets. In other words, a density of about 14 grams per cubic centimeter.
  • And guess what? This discovery is a big deal because there are only a few exoplanets known to be this massive. It’s like finding a diamond in a haystack! The scientists at ISRO said that only fewer than five exoplanets are known to be this size.
  • Here’s another mind-blowing fact: this exoplanet is the third discovery made by the Indian scientists using PARAS spectrograph and the PRL 1.2m telescope. They’re on a roll, just like you when you’re on a winning streak in your favorite video game!
  • So, little astronaut, remember to keep dreaming big and reaching for the stars. Who knows, maybe one day you’ll be a part of an amazing discovery like this too! Happy stargazing!

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