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India’s first “airport-like” railway station to open in Gujarat


Recommended for Gandhinagar Railway Station

On 16 July, India’s first “airport-like” railway station will open in Gujarat. This is the Gandhinagar Capital railway station, which the Indian Railways have redeveloped.

This station will have a 5-star hotel on its top, making it the first-of-its-kind in the country. It will also have many other facilities such as Wi-Fi, an interfaith prayer hall, an art gallery, and a centralized AC waiting hall.

Prime Minister Modi will inaugurate the station virtually (online). Additionally, he will also flag off two trains.

Gandhinagar Capital

This is a major railway station in Gandhinagar city, the capital of Gujarat.

Railways stations in India often have a bad reputation. Many of them are not known to be clean or have many facilities. So, this new Gandhinagar railway station aims to provide public satisfaction.

The Indian Railways is also developing three other stations like this. They are in Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka.

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Comments: 1
  1. Aariz says:

    Very good article

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