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Image depicting International Customs Duty Day - 25 January

International Customs Duty Day!


Recommended for Secondary Grades

What is the significance of International Customs Duty Day?

Every year on January 26th, International Customs Duty Day creates awareness and recognises customs staff.  The main responsibility of customs officials and agencies is maintaining the flow of goods across the world’s borders. On January 26th, members of the World Customs Organization (WCO) showcase their efforts and activities.

What role do customs play?

Customs is responsible for collecting tariffs in a country. It also controls the flow of goods into and out of the country. These goods could be anything from animals to personal belongings.

World Customs Organisation (WCO)

The WCO helps make customs administrations around the world more efficient. It is headquartered in Brussels, Belgium. The organization consists of 182 members across the world. The majority of WCO members are from developing countries. Moreover, they are responsible for managing more than 98% of world trade.

The WCO believes that while borders divide, customs connect. Its mission is to provide leadership, guidance, and support to its staff. Furthermore, customs help to meet the economic, social, and environmental needs of our planet. So, customs contribute to a sustainable future.

How to observe #InternationalCustomsDay

Several organizations across the globe host events, workshops and educational seminars. To participate:

  • Think about how Customs help to keep our country safe.
  • Think about what the world would be like if world trade were not properly managed.
  • Discuss with your friends, parents or teachers how customs have kept you safe during travel.
  • Build curiosity and learn about the World Customs Organization and its member countries.

Above all, don’t forget to share this day on social media with #InternationalCustomsDay

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