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International Migrants Day


Recommended for December

Every year on December 18th, we observe “International Migrants Day.” The UN General Assembly established this day. It reminds us of the ever-increasing global migrant population, now over 272 million. This day is a time for reflection and appreciation.

We celebrate migrants’ significant contributions to worldwide development. We also recognize the complex challenges they face. Importantly, “International Migrants Day” emphasizes the need to respect and protect everyone’s rights. This includes people of all migratory statuses.

The day weaves a story of empathy and inclusion into the global narrative.

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Global Impact of Migration:

    • Over 281 million people were international migrants as of 2020, making up about 3.6% of the world’s population.
    • Migration contributes significantly to global development, enriching social and economic structures of host countries.
    • Migrants bring diverse skills, cultural perspectives, and resilience.

Challenges Faced by Migrants:

    • Migrants often encounter various obstacles, highlighting the need for inclusive and sustainable migration policies.
    • Over 59 million people were internally displaced by the end of 2021, indicating the complexity of migration reasons, including economic opportunities, family reunification, and escaping conflicts or environmental issues.

Definition and Inclusivity:

    • The United Nations defines an international migrant as anyone who changes their country of residence, inclusive of all legal statuses and migration motives.
    • This inclusive approach emphasizes the importance of respecting the rights and needs of all migrants.

Historical Context

  • Foundational Developments:
    • The United Nations, established in 1945, initiated international cooperation on migration issues.
    • The 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees outlined the rights and legal protections for refugees.
  • Advancements in Migrants’ Rights:
    • The 1990 International Convention focused on the rights of migrant workers and their families, providing comprehensive protections.
    • In 2000, December 18th was designated as International Migrants Day by the UN General Assembly, recognizing the importance of migration and the need to protect migrants’ rights.
  • Recent Milestones:
    • The 2018 Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration established a framework for international migration governance, enhancing cooperation and addressing migration challenges.

2023 Theme: Act Today

  • Celebration of Contributions:
    • The 2023 theme “Act Today” emphasizes celebrating migrants’ roles as workers, students, entrepreneurs, and cultural contributors.
    • It acknowledges migrants as key drivers of development in both their origin and destination countries.
  • Focus on Sustainable Development:
    • The theme aligns with the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, highlighting migration’s potential in achieving these goals.
    • It calls for effective management of mobility as a cornerstone of sustainable development and prosperity.
  • Advocacy and Inclusion in Global Agendas:
    • The theme underscores the importance of inclusive partnerships and evidence-based solutions for migration, as discussed in the COP28 summit.
    • It stresses the need for strategies that consider the impact of climate change on migration and promote inclusive policies for migrants, women, persons with disabilities, and youth.

Final Thoughts

“International Migrants Day” stands for more than just a date. It embodies global solidarity. On this day, we honor and celebrate the resilience and contributions of migrants worldwide. It’s a time to commit anew to creating inclusive, fair solutions.

We recognize migration’s role in tackling global challenges. These range from adapting to climate change to enhancing economic opportunities.

This day reminds us that everyone can contribute. Together, our actions today lay the foundation for a brighter, more inclusive future.

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