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International Tiger Day!


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Hey there, little tiger enthusiasts! Roarrrr! Today, we’re going to talk about a very special day called “Happy International Tiger Day” or “Global Tiger Day”! It’s a day when people all around the world come together to celebrate and help our furry friends, the tigers!

Imagine there’s a day just for tigers, like a birthday party, but for tigers everywhere! It’s on July 29th every year, and it all started in 2010 when people from different places met at a cool place called the “Saint Petersburg Tiger Summit” in Russia. They wanted to do something super important for tigers, and that’s how International Tiger Day was born!

Tiger Heroes: Roar for Conservation!

  • So, why is this day so special? Well, it’s like a big reminder to everyone that we need to take care of tigers and their homes, which are called “forests.” You see, tigers are amazing creatures, but they’re in danger. There used to be around 100,000 tigers long ago, but now, there are only about 3,900 tigers left in the whole world! That’s not many at all! So, we need to do everything we can to help them and make sure they have a safe place to live.
  • One country that is like a “tiger paradise” is India! They have a whopping 70% of all the tigers in the world! That’s a whole lot of tigers! In India, they have a special group called the “National Tiger Conservation Authority” (we can call them the “Tiger Protectors”) who work really hard to keep the tigers safe. They even have a cool project called “Project Tiger” just for this! Guess what? India’s tiger population has doubled since 2010, and they have about 2,967 tigers right now. Wow, that’s fantastic progress! 
  • So, my little tiger fans, International Tiger Day is a day full of fun and excitement, but it’s also a time to remember how important it is to save our tiger friends. They need our help to make sure they can keep on roaring in the wild!
  • Let’s be like tiger superheroes and raise awareness about tiger conservation and the need to protect their forest homes. Together, we can make a big difference and give tigers a brighter future! 
  • Remember, even though this topic is serious, we can still talk about it with love and care, just like how we love and care for our tiger buddies! Keep shining, little champions of the wild! 

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